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He (She?) is B-A-C-K!!!!

I haven't seen any Least Terns reported yet this year,
so I thought I'd stop by Lee Kay Ponds and see if the
one I located last year had come back to visit us! 
(Slow down---you are getting ahead of me!!  Do you
think this is one of Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the
Story"??)  Anyway, it's back!!!
The Least Tern was preening about 50 feet west of the
gazebo.  I could see the white "headlight" without
ewven using my binoculars!!!  Of course I also viewed
it for several minutes with the binoculars!!!
I still haven't seen the Great Egret(s) reported at
Lee Kay, but that is an excuse to stop by again

Ain't Birding Great!!!   
Bruce Robinson 
272 Utah Life Birds and Counting!!!  


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