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FW: L. Black-backed Gull, 2-6-04

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
 It was submitted by Julie

Subject: L. Black-backed Gull, 2-6-04

Message: I'm really having to pay my dues to see birds lately! When the LBBG was here a couple of years ago, I chased about four times I think and never saw it. Finally, on Friday, 2-6-04, I got to see this nemesis. Pomera and I started out at the Bountiful Landfill about 9 am but the earth/trash mover wasn't active so no birds were around. We went on to Antelope and saw the Snow Bunting on the south side of the causeway and the Long-tailed Ducks (2) on the north and south side at the bridge near the island, along with Buffleheads and Common Goldeneye. The ranch was absolutley dead--we saw a covey of Chukar on the way down to the ranch. Also saw 2 coyotes on the causeway; about 50 antelope, some buffalo and 3 procupines in deciduous trees along the road to the ranch.

We went back to the landfill at about 1:45 pm and finally got the gull at about 3 pm. It was a first winter bird with all black bill, legs sort of between pink and yellow, and a funny-looking charcoal, slaty-gray back, quite obvious in flight and perched--no need to strain your eyes trying to see if it's a darker shade of gray than the other gulls---it's bold! Pomera and I both saw it flying at about the same time, and it graced us with its presence by landing close-by and not behind a slope or garbage--just right out in the open. We watched it for about 20 minutes. Hoorah!!!

Good birding y'all,

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