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Geese everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

This morning 2/1/04 I went to look for the Eurasian Widgeon at the Reserve golf course and was unsuccessful for about the 7th time now! I am curious to find out when everyone else has seen it, in the morning or at night and about where you've seen it because i have been trying and have not been very lucky, so if any one could help please let me know! But anyway i arrived at the pond at 8:30 a.m. and the whole pond was filled with Canada geese! Istarted to count them but i only got to 336 and could not count any more because there was just to many! I am estimating that there is about at least 600 geese there. I also saw lots of Pintails, Mallards, Widgeons, Gadwalls, shovelers, Green winged Teal. There was also 2 Greater Yellowlegs there and one of the yellowlegs only had one leg!!!! Also something that was worth the trip was that i saw 1 banded Canada goose and 1 banded drake mallard, this is the first duck i have ever seen and ive looked for ever!! Oh, and i almost forgot, there was 1 snow goose mixed with all the canadas! It was a great morning today! Also if any one sees and banded birds, i would love to here about it. Especially geese or swans with neck collars, if you see these try to get the numbers off of it. Thanks!!

Brad Wahlin