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Snow Goose

This morning while walking along the Jordan River by the Parley's Creek Outlet Area, I saw a immature Snow Goose with the Canada Geese in the river. Between the Parley's Creek Outlet and the Decker Canal Outlet, I saw a number of species of Ducks including, Mallards, Common and Barrow's Goldeneyes, more Buffleheads than I ever seen there before, Lesser and possiable a pair of Greater Scaups, There heads were not as rounded as the Lesser Scaups, and one Ruddy Duck. At the Madison Park, I saw a Northern Pintail with the Mallards, Also along the trail by the river I saw a Hermit Thrush, American Pipit, at least three Northern Harriers, and one Merlin flew over. Jack Holley cell 450-9387


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