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Hawks and Waterfowl!!!

Yesterday, i went birding in Juab County with my brother and there were
lots of birds around! We started at the exit just past the first santiquin
exit and headed south down the road that runs south along I-15. While
driving down that road we saw 5 Ferruginous hawks, 2 Rough legged hawks, 1
Northern Harrier, 5 Redtailed Hawks, and 3 American Kestrels. Those were
just the raptors that were along the road. There was alot more out in the
fields that i had trouble identifying because they were to far and i didnt
have enough equipment with me to help. Then we arrived at Burrastin ponds
were we only saw 2 Pied billed Grebes, and 1 Northern Flicker.

We then headed back north into Salem ponds. There we saw 40 Northern
Shovelers, 41 Mallards, 4 Common Goldeneyes, 3 Hooded Mergansers (1 drake
and 2 hens), 11 American Coots, 4 Gadwalls, 1 Northern Flicker, 1 Pied
billed Grebe, and 1 Wilsons Snipe. The birds there seemed to concentrate
on the southern most end of the pond. Also, can any body tell me when and
where the next Utah County Birders Meeting is going to be held? Thanks!

Good luck to everyone out there,and Happy holidays!!!

Brad Wahlin
email: Bradwahlin@aol.com


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