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Fwd: Dunlin, 11-9-03

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows---- It was submitted by Julie Van Moorhem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subject: Dunlin, 11-9-03

Message: Dana Green and I birded Antelope Causeway today. We saw 7 Dunlin, a Prairie Falcon, Sanderling, a Black-bellied Plover and the usual assortment of grebes and goldeneye. At Bear River MBR the water in the interior section of the auto tour loop is high again, but we didn't see any ducks or swans--we did see hunters. We saw a male Barrow's Goldeneye along the road to the refuge. We looked briefly for the Blue Jay seen in Ogden yesterday but didn't find it. The Lewis' Woodpecker was at the corner of Shadow Valley Drive and Fillmore Street as previously reported.

Good birding y'all,
Julie Van Moorhem

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