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Sabine's Gull, Vermilion Flycatcher., Rufous-crowned Sparrow., Yellow-bellied. Sapsucker

September 28, 2003

After seeing the report that Bob Bradley and Tony Jones had seen a Sabine's
Gull, I convinced my wife that a quick afternoon trip to the Antelope Island
Causeway was justified.  Fortunately, at mile marker #4, the gull flew by.
The wing configuration was its ID.

This past week I had a conference in Las Vegas and rather than flying, I
drove with the plan to bird in Washington County going and coming.

On the way down and thanks to Dennis Shirley's directions, I located a
Rufous-crowned Sparrow east of the town of Virgin.

After a night in St. George, I joined Merrill Webb for a morning look at
Gunlock Reservoir and town.  Interesting birds were a flock of Pinyon Jays,
half a dozen Lewis' Woodpecker, and a Green Heron.  Merrill had to leave at
noon, and my target bird was a Vermilion Flycatcher.  Larry Tripp had
reported a male and introduced me to his friend whose backyard had a male
showing up daily on the previous four or five days.  As a reward for sitting
in Larry's friend's backyard for four hours, a brilliant male Vermilion
Flycatcher appeared.

On my return from Las Vegas three days later, I went to Lytle Ranch where
nothing unusual was seen (lots of Gambel's Quail).  In the south end of the
town Gunlock, two Greater Roadrunners ran across the road.  Mathis and
Tonaquint Parks in St. George were both quiet except for an Abert's Towhee.
Quail Creek Reservoir had about 40 American White Pelicans.

After a night in St. George, I birded Red Cliffs Campground where a Downy
Woodpecker and Red-naped Sapsucker were seen, but best of all a
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

At Oak Grove Campground my Pygmy Owl imitation had a Northern Pygmy Owl
reply but I could never locate it.  The owl sound also brought in
Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadees, a Brown
Creeper, and a Spotted Towhee.

Minersville Reservoir yielded nothing unusual.  Not much water there and not
too many birds.  

>From there I drove to the Kaufmann Ranch where the main birds were
Yellow-rumped Warblers and Ravens.  On the way there were at least six
Golden Eagles perched on powerline poles.

Good birding to all!
Alton Thygerson


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