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Bear River Refuge Count

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
Box Elder County
Waterbird/Raptor Survey Count

Majority of avocets, black-necked stilts and white-faced ibis have moved
on.  Marbled Godwit numbers high.  Green-winged Teal, Northern Pintail, and
Gadwall numbers up over the last month.  Water continues to be in short
supply though we were able to begin filling another large interior unit.
Some water is also being diverted to re-fill the tour route unit.
According to the Refuge's water right, the Refuge will start to receive the
entire Bear River water beginning October 1 which should help alleviate
some of the drought conditions.

Canada Goose            243
Mallard                 3951
Northern Pintail        10737
GW Teal           17155
Cinnamon Teal           6
Northern Shoveler 662
Gadwall           13097
Am. Wigeon        308
Canvasback        10
Redhead           26
Scaup spp.        1
C. Goldeneye            1
Ruddy Duck        1556
PB Grebe          1
Eared Grebe       3
Western Grebe           1
Clark's Grebe           1
AW Pelican        99
DC Cormorant            214
GB Heron          31
Great Egret       1
Snowy Egret       13
BC Night Heron          2
WF Ibis                 9
Killdeer                2
Black-necked Stilt      51
American Avocet   1949
Greater Yellowlegs      1
Lesser Yellowlegs 1
LB Curlew         3
Marbled Godwit          8653
Pectoral Sandpiper      1
Dowitcher spp.          35 (likely LBDO)
Red-necked Phalarope    46
Franklin's Gull         2
RB Gull                 425
California Gull         14
Coot              5371
Turkey Vulture          1
Northern Harrier        5
American Kestrel  1

Bridget Olson
Wildlife Biologist
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
58 S. 950 W.
Brigham City, UT  84302
Phone: 435/723-5887 ext. 13
Fax: 435/723-8873


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