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Tooele Co. Egret

Thanks for the reminder, Milton!!!  I got to checking
my records, and sure 'nuff I hadn't marked off Reddish
Egret in Tooele county for 2003!!!  But I've marked it
off now!!  Anybody see one of these in Salt Lake
County this year??  ;>)
Other birds of note at Fitzgerald WMA were an Eastern
Kingbird and a Says Phoebe working the Russian Olives
near the quontset hut.
By the way, the Reddish Egret was there as of 3:00
this afternoon (9/4).  I did not see the Great Egret.
When I first arrived, the egret was doing his/her
"dance" but by the time I got my telescope set up and
camera attached, all it would do was stand and preen
(leads me to think it is a "her"...)

Ain't birding great!!!