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Jail Birds

Visited Decker Lake Tues. and took a walk around it. Besides the usual Mallards and geese
were 4 Gr. Yellowlegs, 2 Caspian Terns, 2 Solitary Sandpipers, and a Redhead that wasn't
quite a Redhead yet.
 Well...along the southeast side of the lake the trail runs a few feet from the Decker Lake
jail. I was just freely walking along when 2 birds flush out of the bushes and quickly make
their way through the jails chainlink fence and land in a small pine tree. I get my binoculars rig
ht on 'em.
A pair of Lark Sparrows, which I recognize from guides, but are a lifer for me.
I got to check them out for 3 or 4 minutes before they flew off. Cool...
 Looking through the fence of a corrections facility with a pair of binoculars isn't a
good idea. On my way to the car I was met by a guard that asked why I was looking
through the jails fence with binoculars. I told him a "lifer", no pun intended. No pun
taken either. I answered that" no, I don't have any relatives there, I was just
birdwatching". After showing him my drivers licence, he told me thanks and have
a good day. I got a lifer, so it was a great day.