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Hot Bird in a Hot Spot

Hi All,
 	It doesn't pay to leave for a quick trip to Washington County in the middle of the night and not have access to E-Mail. I just got home last night and today checked my mail. I sure blew it! I didn't see any of the reported hot stuff. Oh, it was HOT alright-111 in the shade!
	 At Lytle I found most of the specialties, but not a Costa's Hummingbird or the Painted Redstart. I did find a small flock of late migrating TOWNSEND'S WARBLERS.
	At Red Hills Golf Course I couldn't locate the Bronze Cowbird or Vermilion Flycatcher. But I did find the bird of the trip, a BROWN THRASHER. It was totally unexpected! I've never seen one in Utah and I thought they were only here rarely in the winter. Even more surprising there was a young bird hanging around with the adult. They were along the south edge of the thick island of brush straight west of the maintainance area, in the same area where the bronze cowbird, vermilion flycatcher, and hooded oriole have been seen. They were watched off and on for 30 minutes - from 8:05am to 8:35am. They were mostly on the ground knocking leaves away with their bills, but they also jumped up into a mulberry tree that was right along the edge of the fairway.  From the maintainance access gate, at the end of the public street, walk northwest across the fairway to the thick brushy edge.
 	Dixie Birders - go verify these birds. It's an unusual record, and get a photo if possible. Sorry I didn't hook up with any of you. Next time!
			Dennis Shirley

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