On my return home from Antelope Island today (Thurs. May 22), I stopped by
the Lee Kay Ponds about 7 p.m.
I (and another observer) saw a single Least Tern flying briefly over the
West Pond.
Shortly thereafter I spotted a flock of ~15 Red-necked Phararopes, also on
West Pond. This may be a first, but I suspect they won't stay long.
Every time a gun fired on the Hunter Ed Center to the south, the birds would
take off and wheel around over the Pond. Finally they would settle down
again, close-packed like a huddle. A gun would fire and off they'd go
again. Finally they disappeared to the east.
I also checked the Great Blue Heron nest in West Pond and was able to spot
the 3 chicks Bob Walters reported yesterday. These are not small
chicks. I would guess they might be 3 weeks old.
Jim McIntyre