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Re: Camelot Woods open?

I'm sorry to take over a week to respond. I'll cc a response to the group because several people have asked me questions similar to yours.
 I'll be in touch with Barbara, one of the owners, in March. The property is owned by her family and her mother recently passed away. The family is now working with the Nature Conservancy for the Nature Conservancy to purchase it. She requested that I contact her in mid-March to find out what is happening with Camelot.
She loves having birders go in to Camelot, and having people visit who respect and appreciate the land and habitat. The permission form is to show any patroling officers who are looking after Camelot.  She said she can't issue any new permissions until she knows what is happening with the property sale. When I know more, I'll pass along information. Hopefully I'll also be able to pass along her name and contact information because I think it would be great for folks to personally express their thanks to her and her family for sharing this wonderful spot.
I hope this answers your questions.
I am still trying to see those owls! They elude me.
On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 18:46:27 -0700 "Dixon and Junece Markham" <dmark@redrock.com> writes:
I too went to Camelot woods this week-end and found a chain on the gate. The chain was something new and gave me reason to wonder why. A couple of years ago there was a nesting pair of Great Horned.Owls in Camelot Woods.  When the young were fledging and we would not distrub them I took my grandchildren to see these fluff-balls. It was an experience they will always remember. Linda, do you think if  Utah County Birders had their birders card to idenify themselves that the property owner would object us going in to bird?  Thanks for you information & help.  Junece Markham