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Washington County

I figured the most appropriate way to celebrate
President's Day would be to visit a county named after
one of our previous presidents.  Because I couldn't
find an Eisenhower or Roosevelt County anywhere in our
state, I elected (yeah, bad pun!!) to go to Washington
County!  What a trip!!!
I met up with Bill Hunter in St. George and we spent
the day chasing "beasties" all over the area.  Some of
the highlights include:
Wood Ducks at Tonnaquint Nature Park
Crissal Thrasher at Matthes Park 
Coomon Moorhen and Rock Wren on the golf course.
Greater and Lesser Scaup (nice comparison!!!), Hooded
Mergansers at Stratten Pond 
Burrowing Owl in Washington Fields (and a nice show of
a Red Tail Hawk dive bombing a Golden Eagle!!)
I was able to add 2 Utah Lifers, 21 Year Birds, and 18
county birds.  
I missed out on the Eurasian Collard Doves, the White
Wing Doves, and the Anna's Hummingbird, but hey, I
need an excuse to return, right!!

Thanks Bill!!!


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