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Dear Mr. Trout:
I wish ta apply for one of dem biological type jobs at yer Refuge.
Today I red bout how yer staff ran a bird count and I says ta myself "Self, I sher would like a job like that".
Coarse I ain't so quick at countin birds anymore.  But I'm still kinda handy with a camera.  Betcha that this comin summer, with the drowt 'n all, I could take yer pitcher standin over da cracks on yer mudflats.  Mite even run in da local paper.
It was sher interestin ta see what turned up in yer count.  Pine Siskins.  Wow, 400 hunderd of dem or so!  Use ta be dat Bear River staff counted waterfoul and sherbirds.  But now with not so much water round, yer down ta countin land birds.  Gettin lifers too.
One of dem DWR folks told me last nite dere is sumthin like 20,000 Whistlin Swans still up on yer Refuge due to da mild winter.  Somehow yer new staff missed dose.  You should tell em dey are big and white.
They saw some eggles tho - Bald and Golden.  But they're kinda commin.
Heck, I know quite alot bout dat Steller feller.  And if I saw one of his Sea Eggles on yer Refuge, I'd report it to ya in a flash.  Take his pitcher too.
Well I'm goin ta Afriker fer a coupla weeks, but when I get back, ise sure would like ta talk ta ya bout dat job.
Dr. Jim McIntyre