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2002 Birding Challenge - Second notice

The Utah County Birders 2002 Birding Challenge contest ended at the end of
December. Please submit your results before January 11. The contest rules
are repeated at the end of this email for your convenience.

If you have participated in the contest this year and wish to receive
recognition and the awards offered, please record your accomplishments on
the Contest Web Page, http://www.utahnature.com/projects/contest.php. You
may go to the web page by clicking this link, or by entering through the
http://www.utahbirds.org/organizations/ucb/index.html web page (main page
for Utah County Birders).

Submissions made through the Web page will be assigned a PIN after entering
their name.  Please save this number in case you need to modify your
information. Note that your address is required to set up a record but is
not used on subesequent log-ins. If you make a mistake in your address, you
may change it on the second form.

If you prefer not to record your accomplishments on the Web page, you may
mail your results to:

Robin Tuck
Contest Judge
917 E 2730 N
Provo, UT 84604

If time has slipped by, and you wish to notify me of your accomplishments by
phone, please call in the evenings to (801) 377-8084.

The awards will be presented at the Wednesday, January 22 dinner meeting
which will be held at 6:00 pm at the Pizza Factory, 2230 N University
Parkway, Provo. We will have a speaker, Be introduced to our new Executive
Committee and Recognize those who participated in the Year 2002 Birding
Challenge. The meal will cost $10 per person. All club members and others
interested in birding are invited to the dinner meeting, whether or not they
are to receive an award.

The awards consist of a certificate of accomplishment for each person who
achieves an award level.  'Metals' will be provided for all award level
recepients who attend the January 22 meeting. The 'metals' are 3 inch round
plastic key-chain picture holders with colored paper inserts that provide
the gold, silver and bronze look.  I regret I was not able to provide real
gold, silver and bronze metals. Sorry.

Thanks for your participation.


Contest Rules repeated ------------------------------------------------

Go for the Bronze, Reach for the Silver, and excel for the Gold.

In the Olympic spirit, the Utah County Birders introduces the 2002 Birding
Challenge, open to any birder wishing to participate.

Rules: Achieve an award level in any of the following categories in 2002 to
be a winner.  Report your accomplishments to the Challenge Judge, Robin
Tuck, 917 E. 2730 N, Provo Utah, 84604, by January 10, 2003.  Recognition
will be given at an awards dinner to be held in place of the regular club
meeting in January 2003.  If you choose to compete with item 5, please send
a note to Robin (robin@utahnature.com) with your plans.

   1. Sightings.  See, identify and make a record of birds in Utah.
          Bronze - see 150 species.
          Silver - see 225 species.
          Gold - see 275 species.

   2. Travel Utah.   Bird the Utah National Parks, seeing a minimum of 30
species in each.
          Bronze - 3 National Parks.
          Silver - 4 National Parks.
          Gold - All 5 National Parks.

   3. Publish.  Publish articles about an aspect of birding.
          Bronze - 2 articles in your bird club newsletter.
          Silver - Article in local or regional newspaper or magazine.
          Gold - Publish in the Utah Ornithological Society Publication,
Utah Birds, or another professional journal.

   4. Participate.  Club birding trips need leaders and participants.
          Bronze - introduce 2 new people to birding by bringing them to a
scheduled meeting or excursion.
          Silver - Serve as the leader or presenter for 2 meetings or day
          Gold - Lead a major multi-day Utah birding trip attended by a
minimum of 5 others.

   5. Do your own thing.  There are many things worth doing in birding that
can capture your interest.
       Select a major project and spend time working on it.
          Bronze - invest 50 hours.
          Silver - invest 100 hours.
          Gold - invest 150 hours.


"Utah Birds" web site: http://www.utahbirds.org
To subscribe, e-mail:  birdnet-subscribe@utahbirds.org
To unsubscribe, e-mail:  birdnet-unsubscribe@utahbirds.org
To send a message, e-mail:  birdnet@utahbirds.org