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American redstart

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This isn't a "sighting" in the usual sense of the word, but another birder here in Vernal came across an American redstart recently.  Since it was so far out of season, I thought it was of interest and asked for details.  Here's what she sent me:
"Found a.m. January 3rd on Castle Cove Road, top of Dry Fork.  Was stuck to the headlamp of a truck, so could have been hit anywhere along Dry Fork Road or even in town.  Was soft, not frozen, and freshly killed.
About 5" long, dark grey, creamy breast, very distinctive approx. 1.5" single yellow band across midwing as well as mid tail. Dark beak, dark eyes.  I did not notice a white eye ring, which the books indicate.  Otherwise, the bird matched the books' descriptions to a tee (for a juvenile redstart). I had never before seen one, so had to key it out. 
At first sight, I passed it, presuming it was a goldfinch. (same general size, shape, and what I would have expected it to be for the area I was in). I went back, unable to ignore the bright yellow patches on tail and wings.  There is no question in my mind that it was a redstart.  I identified it with both specimen and  bird book (National Geographic) in hand."
I know redstarts show up occasionally during summer or migration, but I didn't think it had been reported in the winter months in Utah before - has it?
Kathy Paulin