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?Purple Finch? cont.

Thanks to Dennis, Tuula, Steve & Priscilla, Pomera, Steve, Chuck, Jack
and particularly Milton for your interest in the possible Purple Finch. 
In answer to your various queries, the bird was seen 9/10-10/7 in mature
pinyon-juniper west of Escalante.  Now, I know you're all enraged that I
didn't give you a shot at it, but I'm in a birder vacuum down here and
didn't bother to check the Utah status of PUFI until it was almost too
late.  I photographed the bird on 10/7 and then it, apparently
satisfied, flew away.  I filed an electronic report with URBC 11/11, but
URBC would be ill-advised to accept the record without the photos, and
the film isn't developed yet.  I don't have a scanner so will send
photos only to URBC for now.  With any luck, they will reject the record
and then perhaps some of you will speak to me again!

Jens Munthe


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