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Garfield and Wayne Counties

Julie VanMoorhem and I went in search of the Acorn Woodpecker this weekend.  Much to our delight, he was right where he was supposed to be!
Wayne County yielded some nice birds.  Near the town of Grover were a few flocks of Pinyon Jays, Clark's Nutcrackers and a Lewis's Woodpecker.  The woodpecker was located less than 1/10th of a mile past the Grover city limit sign as you are traveling south on Highway 12.  Look for a sign which reads Clark Country on the east side of the road and a lone dead tree on the west.  He was flying back and forth across the road in this general area.
At Escalante State Park in Garfield County, we saw a nice collection of ducks including Buffleheads, Redheads, Ruddy Ducks and Common Mergansers.  At various stops along Highway 12, we saw Juniper Titmouse, Western and Mountain Bluebirds, both Chickadees, Red and White-breasted Nuthatches, Brown Creepers and a lone Ring-necked Duck with the most brilliant colored bill we have ever seen.  Despite birding until dark on Friday evening and being out in 21 degree weather the next morning, the Pygmy Nuthatches eluded us.  That's birding!  It was a great trip.