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Butterfield Canyon

Deedee O'Brien, Bob Huntington, Carol Johnson and I went up Butterfield Canyon this morning.  We went as high as the peak, but didn't take the time to make the whole loop. 

We saw with the beautiful fall colors: 

Magpie, Scrub Jay, Stellar's Jay, House Finch, American Goldfinch, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Wild Turkey, Black-capped Chickadee, Hermit Thrush, LOTS of yellow-rumped warblers and Junco, chipping sparrow, Downy Woodpecker, Flicker, Green-tailed Towhee, Raven, Starling, Meadowlark, Red-tailed Hawk.  

We saw two sets of around 8 birds each of the turkey.  We also saw a Red Rooster crowing away!  For those of you who don't like to take your cars on dirt roads, we saw 100% of these birds before the dirt roads starts.  


All the best birding, 



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