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Semipalmated Plover, White Breasted Nuthatch

I ran out to where the Provo River enters Utah Lake. This is at Utah Lake State Park. The lake is very low so there are some open pockets of mud here. I saw many peeps in clumps of 5-10 through here. There were two Semipalmated Plovers that I saw out here. Also I could tell some Western Sandpipers, and possible Baird's Sandpiper. There were also some Black Necked Stilts in the area. Western Grebes in the harbor. Ring Billed, Franklins and California Gull were at the inlet to the lake as well. Dozens of Caspian Terns. Couldn't see any Foresters. I was hoping for a Common Tern. Also tried to make the Franklins Gulls into Bonapartes, but no luck.
     At my house today as well was a fantastic bird day. I had a new yard bird which was a White Breasted Nuthatch. I saw another Wilson's Warbler in my yard this fall. Three Scrub Jays. ( the second time I have ever had Scrub Jays in my yard ) Also there was a return of Lesser Goldfinches to my house. They have been absent for awhile. Well best of wishes to all

KC Childs

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