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I revisited BRMBR yesterday afternoon - 2 weeks after my last trip on Aug. 4.
The water in Area 2 (inside the Tour Loop) is now much lower.  The birds are concentrated in a strip of water along the south end of the tour loop.  The strip is about 300 yards wide at the maximum and very shallow.
The sheer numbers of shorebirds remains impressive.  The follwing numbers are very approximate, but they give the general idea.
American Avocet -    many thousands
Black-neked Stilt -                  "
White-faced Ibis -                   "
American Pelican -    dozens
Marbled Godwit -      hundred
Dowitcher sp.            dozen
Spotted SP -                 "
Wilson's Phalarope - hundreds
Lesser Yellowlegs - 1 
Peep -                     thousands (too far away to ID; some flying flocks may have been WPs)
As the UCBs didn't see many peep a week ago, this suggests that the original 15,000 recorded by Mark S on 8/3 may have departed and been replaced by a new flight.  There is nowhere else at BRMBR where there are wet mudflats.  Area 5 looked completely dry.
A few W & C Grebes remain in a canal on the east side of the Tour Loop.
Jim McIntyre