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Brighton-Cassins Vireo

I went to Brighton today to look for the Red Crossbills that had been reported. I started out on the Silver Lake trail where at first I saw a lot of Brown Creepers and Red Breasted Nuthatches. Also there were plenty of MacGilvaries Warblers. I also saw some Lincoln Sparrows. I decided to hike to Lake Solitude. Towards the first of the trail in the aspens was a Cassins Vireo. Also there were some Warbling Vireos mixed in with them. In this same area were quite a few Hairy Woodpeckers. Same area was a Hermit Thrush. I went back to the parking lot without seeing any Red Crossbills. In the parking lot I ran into Mark Stackhouse. He was kind enough to show me a Red Crossbill right there in the parking lot. In a field just west of the parking lot were three Males feeding on the ground with some Pine Siskens. Thanks Mark for helping out. All together I saw at least 25 species up there.

KC Childs

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