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Butterfield Canyon, etc, (Salt Lake Co.)

I birded along highway U-111 ("Bacchus Highway") and
into Butterfield Canyon this morning.  (In reality I
was searching for, and failed to find, the Lewis's
Woodpecker that Pomre reported last summer).
I sent in a report last week (but it bounced back) of
a couple of Blue Gray Gnatcatchers that were
harrassing a Golden Eagle!  It was pretty entertaining
to see these little guys zoom near the head of the
perched Golden Eagle.  After the eagle had had enough
of me and the gnatcatchers, it flew off and one of the
little guys came close enough for me to positively
In the same location this morning (near the gone town
of Lark), I once again saw one of the gnatcatchers,
but this time it chased off a Western Kingbird.  I
assume they have a nest nearby.
In Butterfield Canyon I  heard a couple of tom turkeys
call across the canyon to each other, but was not able
to locate them.  A little later in the morning, about
2 miles from the mouth of the canyon I did get to see
a hen turkey and 7-8 little ones scratching in the
leaves and underbrush.
Then I proceded down the road towards Herriman in hope
of finding the woodpecker.  Near the dead trees where
it had been reported was a Lazuli Bunting, singing as
if he wanted the whole world to know where he was!!
What an attractive bird!!!
Happy Pioneer Day!!!


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