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Utah County Big Day

I was waiting for someone else to report the big day, but finally gave up so
here it is.

Birding trip on June 1, 2002 on Utah County Big Day - all over the county..

County Big Day sponsored by the Division of Wildlife Resources, Springville
Office.  Perhaps as many as 30 birders started the day at 6:00 am,
continuing all day quitting at 10:00 pm with at least 15 birders holding

We started from the Springville DWR Office, went to Bridal Veil Falls up
Provo Canyon, thence to Vivian Park, then up South Fork 3 miles to the city
park, then to Salem Pond, next to the Barn Owl Silo, then to Spring Lake. 
We stopped for a break in Santaquin, visited Santaquin Reservoir, drove thru
Warm Springs, then to Goshen where we went north several miles and waited
out a heavy rain and wind storm.  After the storm we visited Phil Green's
Pond (sometimes called Secret Pond) then looped back to where the storm hit
us.  Next we went west almost to Eureka where we turned onto the Dividend
Road.  Here we lost half our group, meeting them an hour later coming up as
we went down.  Rejoining forces, we returned to Goshin where we went south
into Goshen Canyon.  With the day almost over, we headed for Payson Canyon
with a stop at the Payson City Park (aka Beer Can Flat) and Maple Flat.  We
ended the day at the Payson City Park with great looks at a Western Screech

List of birds seen:

1  Pied-billed Grebe
1  Western Grebe
1  Clark's Grebe
1  American White Pelican
20  Double-crested Cormorant
15  Great Blue Heron
1  Great Egret
3  Snowy Egret
6  Black-crowned Night Heron
6  Turkey Vulture
1  Canada Goose
4  Gadwall
8  Mallard
10  Cinnamon Teal
20  Green-winged Teal
8  Redhead
1  Ring-necked Duck
3  Ruddy Duck
3  Osprey
1  Cooper's Hawk
3  Swainson's Hawk
1  Golden Eagle
1  American Kestrel
1  Ring-necked Pheasant
10  American Coot
1  Sandhill Crane
8  Killdeer
8  Black-necked Stilt
20  American Avocet
10  Willet
1  Spotted Sandpiper
8  Long-billed Curlew
1  Marbled Godwit
1  Common Snipe
4  Wilson's Phalarope
20  California Gull
6  Forster's Tern
20  Rock Dove
5  Band-tailed Pigeon
20  Mourning Dove
1  Barn Owl
1  Western Screech Owl
10  White-throated Swift
2  Black-chinned Hummingbird
5  Broad-tailed Hummingbird
1  Northern Flicker
1  Olive-sided Flycatcher
1  Gray Flycatcher
1  Dusky Flycatcher
4  Western Kingbird
8  Eastern kingbird
1  Plumbeous Vireo
4  Warbling Vireo
2  Western Scrub Jay
10  Black-billed Magpie
2  Common Raven
1  Horned Lark
1  Tree Swallow
5  Violet-green Swallow
10  N. Rough-winged Swallow
3  Bank Swallow
30  Cliff Swallow
10  Barn Swallow
2  Juniper Titmouse
1  Rock Wren
2  Bewick's Wren
2  American Dipper
1  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1  Swainson's Thrush
10  American Robin
5  Gray Catbird
2  Northern Mockingbird
5  European Starling
1  Cedar Waxwing
2  Virginia's Warbler
8  Yellow Warbler
1  Black-throated Gray Warbler
1  Yellow-breasted Chat
2  Western Tanager
2  Green-tailed Towhee
1  Spotted Towhee
1  Chipping Sparrow
2  Brewer's Sparrow
3  Lark Sparrow
3  Savannah Sparrow
2  Song Sparrow
3  Black-headed Grosbeak
1  Blue Grosbeak
3  Lazuli Bunting
2  Bobolink
10  Red-winged Blackbird
5  Western Meadowlark
10  Yellow-headed Blackbird
2  Brewer's Blackbird
3  Common Grackle
10  Brown-headed Cowbird
5  Bullock's Oriole
1  American Goldfinch
3  House Sparrow

Robin Tuck