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Finch Illness

Hello All,
I would like to bring to everyone's attention an avian disease affecting finches in the U.S. and ask for your help in monitoring local finch populations.  Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, although first constrained to domestic foul, was discovered in the wild finch population around Washington D.C. in 1994.  Over the last 8 years, the bacteria has spread westward and is now approaching the Rocky Mountains.  Symptoms include red, swollen, watery, or crusty eyes with advance stages leading to virtual blindness.  The Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology has founded a House Finch Disease Survey to help track the disease's progress.  Excellent information regarding the disease and its symptoms can be found at the Lab of O's site:  http://birds.cornell.edu/hofi/index.html.  Additional information regarding avian diseases in general can be found at the National Wildlife Health Center's web site:  http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/
Because we are located towards the leading edge of mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, information from our state is very important in tracking the disease.  I would ask that you pay special attention to the health of the birds at your feeder as high concentrations of individuals are more likely to harbor the disease.  Please report any birds showing symptoms to me by responding to this email or via the means listed below.  Also consider adding your knowledge to the Lab of Ornithology's database by becoming a participant in one of the many citizen observer research programs run through Cornell.
Thank you,
Adam Kozlowski
Native Species Biologist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Northern Region
515 East 5300 South, Ogden UT  84055
Office:  (801) 476-2740
Cell:  (801) 510-2034
email: akozlowski@utah.gov