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Where'd They Go?

Good afternoon.

Charlie Sheard and I started the day birding Dixie Red Hills Golf Course
here in St. George, looking for the wild and woolly critters there. We
were soon joined by Rick Fridell, but much to our dismay, we couldn't
turn Chipping Sparrows into Clay's, nor Warbling Vireos into Phillies.
Nor did we see the Bronzed Cowbird. But we did see a very large
population of Wilson Warblers, plus the usual fare.

I'll mention some of the more interesting finds: Willow Flycatcher (1),
Vermilion Flycatcher (2-male/female), Plumbeous Vireo (2), Warbling
Vireos (2), Lucy's Warbler (4), Yellow-rumped Warblers (5-3 Audubon?s, 2
Myrtle's), MacGillvray?s Warbler (5), Wilson Warblers (20+), Summer
Tanager (1), Chipping Sparrow (11), Black-throated Sparrow (2),
Black-headed Grosbeak (1), Hooded Oriole (3-male/females), Bullock's
Oriole (4-male/female).

Enjoy the festival. Bill