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Bar-tailed Godwit

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Kolob Reservoir, north end past the inflow.  The sun was full on it, =
beautiful green wings, dark body like the head of the red heads that =
were near by.  I saw 37 species, on the way to and at the reservoir, =
including the Marbled Godwit and the Baird's Sandpiper.  I missed the =
Osprey. Four common Loons. The Black-crowned Night Heron is .7 of a mile =
before the reservoir on the right behind two bi-level ponds in a dead =

There is no question, the bird is a Bar-tailed Godwit.  Take your =
cameras, take a witness.  Judy=20

I was there from 5:30 to 8:30, 29 Elk, 7 deer on the NW end,

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<P>Kolob Reservoir, north end past the inflow.&nbsp; The sun was full on =
beautiful green wings, dark body like the head of the red heads that =
were near=20
by.&nbsp; I saw 37 species, on the way to and at the reservoir, =
including the=20
Marbled Godwit and the Baird's Sandpiper.&nbsp; I missed the=20
Osprey.&nbsp;Four&nbsp;common&nbsp;Loons. The Black-crowned Night Heron =
is .7 of=20
a mile <U>before </U>the reservoir on the right behind two bi-level =
ponds in a=20
dead tree.</P>
<P>There is no question, the bird is a Bar-tailed Godwit.&nbsp; Take =
cameras, take a witness.&nbsp; Judy </P>
<P>I was there from 5:30 to 8:30, 29 Elk, 7 deer on the NW=20

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