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Snow Goose Festival--pluss

	Utah County Birders went to Gunnison Bend Reservoir where Lee Shirley
lead us to a farm  where there were hundreds of Snow and many Ross geese 
feeding around the farm buildings like domestics.   Fantastic looks. 
Thanks Lee.  Other good sightings were numerous Common Mergansers, Balled
Eagle, Great Tailed Grackle, Cinnamon Teal and others.  On the way to
Clear Lake--several Golden Eagles and two Sage Thrashers.  On the lake,
one pair of Buffleheads.  Also a Rough-legged hawk, crusing the sky.
 	Back to Gunnison Bend where we had lunch and visited the display where
there were now thousands of Snow Geese on the water and more comming.  
	Returning through Elberta-Goshen area, two Ferruginous Hawks and five
Balled Eagles.  On to warm Springs loop we saw numerous Cedar Waxwings 
Many other species were seen along the way.  Eric listed 38.  And as
usual great company.
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