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St. George Field Trip

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Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 18:28:15 -0700 (MST)
Subject: St, George Field Trip
From: Travis & Kim Lofthouse
Email_Address: tloft@infowest.com

     Jan 19, 2002, Took a drive to various locations around St. 
George.  Visited Sunbrook Golf Course, Southgate Golf Course, Tonaquint

Nature Center, Cox Park, and Washington Fields.  Spotted 29 species, 
including a couple of surprises. Say's Phoebe, White Crown Sparrow,
Starling, House Finch, Roadrunner,  Am. Wigeon, Ring Necked Duck,
Canvasback, Coot, Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, Am. Kestrel, Canada Goose,
Flicker, Mallard, Mute Swan, Common Goldeneye, Snow Goose, Robin, Black
Phoebe, Rufous Sided Towhee, Mourning Dove, Red Tailed Hawk,
Mockingbird, English Sparrow, Meadowlark, Am. Crow, Great Tailed
Grackle, and Brown Headed Cowbird.
     The Towhee was a surprise, I have never seen them except in the
high country.  These were hanging out in the brush at Tonaquint Park. 
The Snow Goose was with a bunch of Canada Geese at Sunbrook Golf

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