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Fw: [birdnet] The Redpolls of Mantua


Went out yesterday with a few folks from the local Wildbird Center.  They
have saturday "walks," and yesterday they went to Antelope Island.  I wanted
to try to see the Snow Bunting again, for a 2002 bird, to no avail.  Was
going to try and see the Redpolls that are in one of our local northern
valleys, but cut my day short.

Kathy, even though it is cold out there, you can still detect a smell.
Thought you would like to know.  Saw the following birds.  I am going to be
good and keep an annual list this year.

> Canada Goose (looked to be wounded in the wing)
> Mallard (many)
> Northern Shoveler (many)
> Lesser Scaup
> Common Goldeneye (They were along the causeway closer to the island.  But
>         beautiful male was with the Barrow's)
> Barrow's Goldeneye (a beautiful female, with yellow beak) (Last bridge
> before island)
> Bufflehead
> Ruddy Duck
> Bald Eagle
> Rough-legged Hawk
> American Kestrel (eating a rodent)
> European Starling
> American Pipit (many, some in flocks)
> Spotted Towhee (at Garr Ranch)
> Red-winged Blackbird (on way to ranch)
> We also saw a Shrike on the way to the ranch, but couldn't identify it
> before it flew.
> There was a groupof 5 people we conducting a post-CBC.  It was nice to
> them and be with them awhile.  The oldest Mule Deer at the ranch was very
> friendly, as she walked up to our group and nuzzled a lady who works
> who was with the post-CBC group.  I probably shouldn't have done it, but
couldn't resist
> scratching her forehead.  It was interesting how she recognized the lady's
> voice as one of the workers at the ranch.  The lady said she (the deer)
> wanted some grain.
> On the way back home I drove out Gentile Street in Layton and
> saw several Rough-legged Hawk, plus a Great Horned Owl in a short tree to
> the north of the road--just before you get to the junky trailer on the
> of the road.
> Glenn