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Winter Birds

My son and I made a quick trip out to Farmington Bay this afternoon and it 
was unlimited snow and ice with little open water. However, on the high 
tension wires crossing Grover Lane and the Interstate there was a Peregrine 
Falcon digesting his last meal. On the refuge itself there was one duck 
visible, period--- a female Ruddy Duck. Some of the usual birds were there 
including Harriers, Horned Larks, Pipits,  a Rough-legged Hawk, and lots of 
Song Sparrows and a lone Bald Eagle flying overhead.
 Much more interesting were the Layton Ponds with a nice collection of 
waterfowl including about ten Hooded Mergansers. A Kingfisher and a Snipe 
were also on the scene.
Happy New Year and good birding to all. Hugh Gillilan

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