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Christmas Bird Count from Bolivia

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\From carrsyr@entelnet.bo 
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:45:12 -0500
To: birdnet@utahbirds.org
From: "Stephen L. Carr" <carrsyr@entelnet.bo>
Subject: Christmas Bird Count from Bolivia

Greetings from Cochabamba, Bolivia.  As I have been reading the most 
recent birdlines, the CBC's have been mentioned.  I thought I would
include my CBC counts from Lake Cocha, a 4-mile circumference lake. 
This tally is for about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way around it.  The city of
Cochabamba sits at an elevation of 8700', very similar to Brighton,
Utah.  It is in a broad valley, surrounded by Andes Mountains, very
similar in size and appearance to the SL Valley.  The population is
about the same as SL Valley, probably a little more than a million. 
The date for this count was 12/16/01.  Rather than submitting this list
to the official CBC count, because there is no recognized count in
Bolivia, I thought I'd share it with the general readership of the

White-tufted Grebe - 1                  Eared Dove - 8
Olivaceous Cormorant - 11               Picui Dove - 5
Great Egret - 2                         Bare-faced Ground Dove - 3
Snowy Egret - 7                         Rock Dove - 20+
White-faced Ibis - 24                   Rufous Hornero - 3
Brown Pintail - 7                       Bar-winged Cinclodes - 2
White-faced Pintail - 3                 Many-colored Rush-Tyrant - 3
Cinnamon Teal - 2                       Great Kiskadee - 3
Plumbeous Rail - 3                      Blue-and-white Swallow - 20+
White-winged Coot - 40+                 Creamy-bellied Thrush - 5
Common Moorhen - 3                      Rufous-collared Sparrow - 15
Semi-palmated Plover - 30+              Saffron Finch - 40+
Collared Plover - 3                     House Sparrow - 3
Lesser Yellowlegs - 4                   Shiny Cowbird - 2
Baird's Sandpiper - 10                  Plus - one duck that I could
not ID even with
Spotted Sandpiper - 2                   the Peru Guide and a South
America guide.
Western Sandpiper - 15                    Fairly large duck, brown head
(about the 
Pectoral Sandpiper - 4                  color as a female Golden-eye),
dark eye, 
Franklin's Gull - 2                     bill (regular Mallard-sized),
neck, breast and
Brown-hooded Gull - 5                   back - mottled brown.

Best of birding to all and Feliz Navidad.
- --Steve Carr

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