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Utah Bird Report for 11/01/01

- - RBA
* Statewide
* November 1, 2001
* UTAH0111.01

- - Birds mentioned:

Pacific Loon                    Wasatch Co., Washington Co.
Horned Grebe                    Davis Co.
Eurasian Wigeon             	Juab Co.
BLACK SCOTER                    Box Elder Co.
Surf Scoter                     Cache Co., Davis Co.
White-winged Scoter             Cache Co.
Dunlin                     	Davis Co.
RED PHALAROPE                   Cache Co.       
Bonaparte's Gull                Wasatch Co.
Herring Gull                    Washington Co.
Thayer's Gull                   Cache Co.
Sabine's Gull                   Davis Co.
Winter Wren                     Washington Co.
Golden-crowned Sparrow          Juab Co.

- - transcript

Utah Birdline
(801) 538-4730
Compiler: Mark Stackhouse
Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse


Two adult male BLACK SCOTERS were seen at Mantua Reservoir on Saturday, 10/27 (LW). They were
initially close to the shore, but later moved to the middle of the lake.


A RED PHALAROPE was reported seen at the Logan Sewage Lagoons on Saturday, 10/20 (JLo,v.o.).

Other birds seen at the Logan Sewage Lagoons on Saturday, 10/20 included a SURF SCOTER and a

A juvenile SURF SCOTER was also seen at Porcupine Reservoir in southeastern Cache Valley on
Sunday, 10/21 (JL). It was near the dam at the west end of the lake.

At Hyrum Reservoir, 2 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were seen on Saturday, 10/27 (LW). One was near the
dam, and the other was about mid-point along the lake. A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was also seen at
the lake on Monday, 10/29 (SD).


A probable DUNLIN was seen at FBWMA on Thursday, 11/01 (LW). It was about 200 yds. west of the
south end of the west dike road.

A female or juvenile    SURF SCOTER was seen along the AIC on Friday, 10/26 (LW). It was at mile
marker 1 on the north side.

Other birds seen along the AIC included a HORNED GREBE at mile marker 3 on Friday, 10/26 (EC),
and a 1st-year SABINE'S GULL on Wednesday, 10/17, on the north side of the causeway near the
east end (SH).


A juvenile PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER was seen at Fish Springs NWR on Sunday, 10/21 (MS). It was at
the north end of Curlew Unit, just south of the road running along the north side, about
mid-point along the road on a small mudflat island with a old log. It was seen again on a grassy
island about 100 yds. to the east on Monday, 10/22 (LW) and it was seen in the original location
on Tuesday, 10/23 (TS,DS). This may be the first record of Pacific Golden-Plover in Utah.

A EURASIAN WIGEON was seen at Fish Springs NWR on Wednesday, 10/31 (JG).

An immature GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was seen in the Fish Springs Mountains just west of Fish
Springs NWR on Saturday, 10/20 (MS). It was about 1/4 mile uphill from the old BLM campground
directly west of the NWR.


A juvenile PACIFIC LOON continues to be seen at Deer Creek Reservoir, with sightings from
Sunday, 10/21 (J&KB) and on Saturday 10/27 (BB,TJ). The sightings have been near the southeast
corner of the reservoir.

Also at Deer Creek Reservoir, 5 BONAPARTE'S GULLS were seen at the north end of the reservoir on
Saturday, 10/27 (MW).


An immature PACIFIC LOON was seen at Quail Creek Reservoir on Monday, 10/29, by the overlook of
the dike on the south end of the reservoir. Other birds seen there included 3 immature HERRING
GULLS on Sunday, 10/28 and a WINTER WREN in the willows along the inflow stream on Sunday, 10/21 (KC,RF).

Observers: J&KB=Joel & Kathy Beyer, BB=Bob Bradley, KC=Kristen Comella, EC=Ed Conrad, SD=Sue
Drown, RF=Rick Fridell, JG=Jim Graham, SH=Stan Heath, TJ=Tony Jones, JL=James Lofthouse,
JLo=Jean Lown, TS=Terry Sadler, DS=Dennis Shirley, MS=Mark Stackhouse, MW=Merrill Webb,
LW=Larene Wyss

Abbreviations used:

AIC = Antelope Island Causeway
BLM = Bureau of Land Management
FBWMA = Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area
NWR = National Wildlife Refuge
v.o. = various observers

- - end transcript

Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at:

(801) 538-4730

or by e-mail to westwings@sisna.com

You may e-mail questions and comments to westwings@sisna.com or you may call (801) 487-9453.

Mark Stackhouse
Westwings, Inc.
1432 Downington Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 487-9453

"Utah Birds" web site: http://www.utahbirds.org
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