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Utah trip 8/24-9/3

Hi there,
	I was the pesky easterner who kept asking questions about all those birds
out there in Utah and was rewarded by a lot of good information from the
folks on Utahbirds. Glenn Barlow joined us birding one day in the high
Uintas and as been in contact with me both before and after the trip. He
asked me to send our trip list to the group. Before I do I want you all to
know we birded with a 4yr old so we did not do any owling and we didn't
bird as hard as we would have before we were parents. Still, I think we did
okay. We had 143 combined species in UT. A couple of days we left the
state, once to WY and once to ID so we didn't bird in UT those days. We
also didn't bird the day we left (9/3).  Here it is. Anything anyone wants
more info on for Utah records, please contact me off the list as I am
signing off after this. It hurts too much seeing all those great migration

Common Loon -1					Common Nighthawk
Eared Grebe						Common Poorwill
Western Grebe 					White-throated Swift
Clark's Grebe - 1					Black-chinned Hummingbird
Am. White Pelican 				Calliope Hummingbird
Double-crested Cormorant 			Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Great Blue Heron					Rufous Hummingbird -1 male
Great Egret-1					*Williamson's Sapsucker -3(lifer both)
Snowy Egret						Downy Woodpecker
Black-crowned Night-heron			Hairy Woodpecker
White-faced Ibis					Red-shafted Flicker
Canada Goose					W. Wood-Pewee
Green-winged Teal					*Hammond's Flycatcher -1(lifer me)
Mallard						W. Kingbird
N. Pintail						E. Kingbird - 1
Blue-winged Teal					Horned Lark
(WE missed Cinnamon Teal, mainly because I think we couldn't tell them from
the Blue-wingeds. We saw no males still in breeding plumage.)
N. Shoveler						Tree Swallow
Common Goldeneye - 1				Violet-green Swallow
Turkey Vulture					N. Rough-winged Swallow
Osprey						Bank Swallow
N. Harrier						Barn Swallow
Sharp-shinned Hawk				Cliff Swallow
Cooper's Hawk					Gray Jay -3
N.Goshawk						Stellar's Jay
Swainson's Hawk					W. Scrub Jay
Red-tailed Hawk					*Pinyon Jay-3(lifer me, saw 1st in ID)
Rough-legged Hawk-1				Clark's Nutcracker
Golden Eagle					Black-billed Magpie
American Kestrel					Common Raven
Peregrine Falcon-1				Black-capped Chickadee
*Chukar (lifer both)				Mountain Chickadee
Ruffed Grouse					Red-breasted Nuthatch
Wild Turkey -2					White-breasted Nuthatch
California Quail					Brown Creeper
American Coot					House Wren
Sandhill Crane -2					Marsh Wren
Black-bellied Plover				*American Dipper-1 (lifer me)
Killdeer						Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Black-necked Stilt				Mountain Bluebird	
American Avocet					Townsend's Solitaire-1
Greater Yellowlegs				Hermit Thrush
Lesser Yellowlegs					American Robin
Solitary Sandpiper				Gray Catbird
Spotted Sandpiper					Sage Thrasher
Long-billed Curlew - only 3			Cedar Waxwings
Marbled Godwit					Loggerhead Shrike
Western Sandpiper					European Starling
Baird's Sandpiper					Warbling Vireo
Least Sandpiper					Nashville Warbler
Pectoral Sandpiper				Virginia's Warbler
Long-billed Dowitcher				Yellow Warbler
Wilson's Phalarope				Yellow-rumped Warbler
Franklin's Gull					Townsend's Warbler
Ring-billed Gull					MacGillivray's Warbler
California Gull					Common Yellowthroat
Forster's Tern					Wilson's Warbler
Caspian Tern -2					Yellow-breasted Chat
Rock Dove 						Western Tanager
Mourning Dove					Black-headed Grosbeak
Great-horned Owl					Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee				We birded in the following places:
Chipping Sparrow				Golden Spike NHS
Brewer's Sparrow				Bear River Refuge
Lark Sparrow				Antelope Island
Vesper Sparrow				Various parts of the Cache NF near Eden
Fox Sparrow-1				Mirror Lake Scenic Highway
Song Sparrow				Provo Airport Dike
White-crowned Sparrow			Minersville SP and Reservoir
Dark-eyed Junco				Rockport SP
Red-winged Blackbird			Zion NP
W. Meadowlark				Cedar Breaks NM
Yellow-headed Blackbird			Brian Head Peak 
Brewer's Blackbird			
Brown-headed Cowbird
Pine Grosbeak
Cassin's Finch -1
House Finch
Pine Siskin
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow

Thanks again to all who helped us out.

- --- Lisa Lister
- --- dandllister@earthlink.net
- --- EarthLink: It's your Internet.


"Utah Birds" web site: http://www.utahbirds.org
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