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Pectoral Sandpipers

Friday, August 10

Kathy and I observed three Pectoral Sandpipers today about noon at the
Provo Airport dike (Utah Co.).  They were about a tenth of a mile west of
the area where the Stilt Sandpipers were seen last week (halfway between
the new extension of the dike and the SW corner), keeping in the shade of
the vegetation.  Many Western Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs and Wilson's
Phalaropes were also in this area.  A Solitary Sandpiper was seen on the
mudflats just opposite the beginning of the airport runway, where the
west side dike road turns west for a hundred yards before heading south
again.  A lone Semipalmated Plover was at Lincoln Beach, along with
untold numbers of Killdeer and Spotted Sandpiper.

Good birding!

Joel Beyer 

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