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Bullock's Oriole

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Today 5/2/2001, I was walking my dog on Murray City Parkway 1130am, from 5400 
S. to 4800 S.and I say my first Bullock's Oriole, I also some Amreican 
Avocets, on Jordan River, lots of swallows mostly Northtern Rough-winged and 
a few Barn, there was even a Cormorant flying by.18 species in all.


PS Murray City is having a public hearing on the contruction of multy family 
homes in private propety, some prime bird habitat will be destroyed and 
wetlands will be destroyed, the meething will be on Thursday, 6:30 PM on 
Murray City Hall, we should voice our concern for that wilderness, the 
costruction will be east of the Board walk if anyone knows that area.

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR="#008000" SIZE=3>Today 5/2/2001, I was walking my dog on Murray City Parkway 1130am, from 5400 
<BR>S. to 4800 S.and I say my first Bullock's Oriole, I also some Amreican 
<BR>Avocets, on Jordan River, lots of swallows mostly Northtern Rough-winged and 
<BR>a few Barn, there was even a Cormorant flying by.18 species in all.
<BR>PS Murray City is having a public hearing on the contruction of multy family 
<BR>homes in private propety, some prime bird habitat will be destroyed and 
<BR>wetlands will be destroyed, the meething will be on Thursday, 6:30 PM on 
<BR>Murray City Hall, we should voice our concern for that wilderness, the 
<BR>costruction will be east of the Board walk if anyone knows that area.</FONT></HTML>

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