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White-breasted Nuthatch

I'm not sure if this is unusual or not, but I saw three White-breasted
Nuthatches in the big mulberry tree in my front yard in Moab this
morning.  I have seen one in a locust tree in the yard a few times in
the fall, called out to investigate by the persistent call.  Since I am
only about a 10 minute walk from the Matheson Wetlands Preserve I
checked their birdlist and found this bird indicated with an "I" for
Irregular:  expected but may not be found each decade.  The birdlist for
Arches National Park (3 miles up the road) rates them as O T: 
Occasional: 1 or 2 records total; highly unusual, but not necessarily
out of range; to be expected again.  T: Transient.  It seems possible to
me that these birds are wintering here.  I'll keep watching.
	Thanks for all the great postings from around the state.  I get much
joy from living them all vicariously.
	Best regards,
	Janet Williams

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