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From Josh Kreitzer . . . in Hungary.

Dear Birdnet participants,

My son, Joshua, asked in I'd pass along some information regarding birds
he's seen in Hungary. As you already know, he's serving a mission for
the LDS Church there. He is in Debrecen, which is a university town of
about 200,000 people. He is learning a lot, growing a lot more, and
enjoying his experiences there. In one of his first letters home, he
commented on seeing a European Robin. He noted it in almost reverent
tones, and I was pleased that he found this common link between Hungary
and his home: Birds. I believe his words were: "I saw a European Robin
today. It was a beautiful creature."
In his last letter, he wrote:
"I've seen thousands of Rooks, they're everywhere and tame, many House
Sparrows, quite a few Eurasian Tree Sparrows, Blackbirds, a European
Robin, Rock Doves, Great Tits, Possibly some Blue Tits, Magpies,
Ring-necked Pheasants on the Puszta [spelling?], and some funky-looking
Crested Larks. I would be much obliged if you could relay this
information to the Birdnet."
Josh loves serving the Lord and His children in Hungary.
On behalf of Josh, myself, and our family, we wish all of you a
wonderful Christmas, and a delightful New Year. And, may your Christmas
bird counts meet your greatest expectations.

All the best,
Matt Kreitzer/Josh Kreitzer

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