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Re: [birdnet] Let's hear it for virus scanners!

You guys do such an awesome job.
Thanks a bunch.

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 18:35:51 -0700 Weldon Whipple <weldon@whipple.org>
> I apologize for the flurry of posts about today's virus. Here (below) 
> is
> a note I received that underscores the importance of virus scanners!
> (First, a word about our efforts to secure our mail server.)
> We are trying to tighten control of the birdnet mailing list in the
> following ways:
> 1. The server runs the LATEST version of the sendmail "mail transfer
> agent."
> 2. The server runs the LATEST version of the Linux kernel
> 3. Only subscribers to the birdnet can post to the birdnet
> 4. We have a small (so far) list of spammers who have tried to spam 
> our
> mailing list. Mail from those e-mail addresses is rejected by the 
> mail
> server. (If you have additions for the list, or feel that you are on 
> the
> list in error, please let me know!)
> 5. The mail server is dedicated to e-mail only.
> 6. Only the "ports" absolutely necessary for e-mail are "routed" to 
> the
> e-mail server. Requests to other parts are blocked.
> 7. We are working on getting software to scan for and filter viruses 
> in
> e-mail that passes through the server.
> I apologize for the long, technical note. Please see the post below 
> if
> you need more encouragement to obtain a virus scanner.
> Weldon Whipple
> listmaster@utahbirds.org
> ========
> >Weldon,
> >
> >My Virus scan picked up the virus when I received the message and
> refused to
> >open it.  This is the first time it did that.  Just a word of
> >warning....PABirds got infected this year and it shut down the 
> whole
> server
> >(it operates through the Audubon Listserve)  for some time.  In 
> this
> >environment of unscrupulous users it is a good idea to recommend 
> all
> posters
> >to the list use Virus scan regularly to keep from infecting 
> co-listers.
> >Thanks for the warning though in my case it was not necessary-just
> >reaffirmed what had triggered my software.  I did not find the file 
> in
> my
> >directory (I had totally deleted the post once I got the warning.)
> >
> >Kathy Stagl
> >Emmaus, PA
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