female Harlequin Duck was discovered on the
Island Causeway on the 28th of September, 2011. A
sight record of
this rare visitor was submitted to the Records Committee along
with numerous photos. On October 12th another bird
showed up to join the female. This bird turned out to be a
1st winter male which was ready to start its molt into the unique
breeding plumage characteristic of this bird. Paul Higgins
took this rare opportunity to chronicle the molting process of
this young bird into the amazing-looking breeding male Harlequin
Here are the pictures in chronological order
from different views. Starting from the side view below:
Photos by Paul Higgins
12 Oct 2011
- The 1st year male Harlequin Duck (front) looks very similar
to the female before starting the molt.
25 Oct 2011
- The molt of the body feathers starts at the head, face and
throat and progresses toward the tail.