Wolf Canyon Trail

Spring Vegetation    by Staff Photographer    ©June 2012

(submitted by Kristin Purdy)

Description: Wolf Canyon Trail offers a mid-elevation hike that passes through several vegetation zones. The lower reaches are vegetated by scrub oak and maple; the mid-elevations have both isolated firs and sometimes cool and thick fir slopes; and the higher areas open up with shrubs, forbs, and aspen/alders/box elders along the creek. The trail is one-way, 3 miles long, and gains 1600' of elevation from 6,000' at the trailhead to 7,600' feet at the summit. The trail offers a gentle climb on a dirt road until about halfway up; at higher elevations, the trail becomes steeper and dwindles to a path.

Directions: Wolf Canyon Trail is located in Weber County approximately 16 miles northeast of Ogden at mile 8.2 of UT 158 (Powder Mountain Canyon). Take I-15 to exit 344 (12th St. and UT 39) and turn east. Pass through Ogden Canyon and turn right onto UT 158 at Pineview Dam. Watch your odometer; the trailhead is located on the west side of the road behind the white gate at mile 8.2.

Birds: Virginia's Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Swainson's Thrush, Black-capped Chickadee, Western Tanager, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Green-tailed Towhee

     eBird Data:  | Wolf Creek GC | Powder Mountain Rd |

Nearby:  North Arm Viewing (Natural) AreaMiddle Fork Powder Mountain

Trail Sign    by Staff Photographer    ©June 2012

Wolf Creek in June    by Staff Photographer    ©June 2012