Detailed Instructions for voting on sighting records

Step 1: Evaluating the record

Step 2: Send a request to the Secretary of the Records Committee

Step 3: Fill out the Voting Form



Using the "Back" and "Forward" arrows on your browser

When you go through links (click on hyperlinks) using your browser (i.e. Netscape, Internet Explorer), you establish a "link trail" which you can then navigate by either clicking the "back arrow" or the "forward arrow" on your browser.  Every time you click on a new link, it established a new branch of the trail.  For example, when you click on a record number to evaluate a record, you need to click the "back arrow" to return to the list of records.

<return to Step 1>

Using your word processor
To use your word processor at the same time that you are on the internet, you need to:

< return to |  Step 1 | Step 3 >

Copy and Paste
If you've used your word processor to make notes (see using your word processor, above) and want to transfer that information to the voting form:

< return to |  Step 1 | Step 3 >

Sending a record to a "specialist"
If you would like a "specialist" to render an opinion on a sighting record, you can either contact the person yourself or have the secretary contact the person with instructions.  The process should be something like the following:

return to Step 2 >