Records Committee
Deadline is 30 Dec 2020


 Voter's Name:  


Main Idea:    
 For First State Records:   We have three proposals for accepting potential first state record without physical evidence:
Proposal #1 is for a system in which, we can accept first state records without physical evidence and add them to our official State Checklist, if they meet the considerations listed in the bylaws.
Proposal #2 is for a system in which we only list species supported with physical evidence on our official State Checklist.  Accepting possible first state records withouth physical evidence will put it on the "Presumptive"  (or Provisional List"). l
Proposal #3 is for a system where "Voting Members" vote on records considered only on their merits.  The Secretary will then place accepted first-state records in their place either on the main checklist or the "Provisional List" depending on whether the record is supported by physical evidence or not.
Auxiliary Lists: 
We maintain Auxiliary Lists to our State Checklist so we can delineate special categories of birds that are seen in Utah that look like they might be wild birds.  Some lists of species will be on our State Checklists while other will not.  These proposals include some references to these lists. | Link to the Auxiliary Lists |
(In these proposals, “Presumptive List" for species NOT on the state checklist which have  acceptable records, will be used, but we can easily decide on another name if desired)..
Results with 3 points for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd choice
  Prop. #1 Prop. #2 Prop. #3 No Change

Points :

11 17 18 4


Proposal #1:    



       System which can include records without physical evidence
          on our State Checklist
  (Scetion IV.C.11)   | see rational |

     Proposed changes to present bylaws:  in red below.

      Original Text:  | Link to this section of the present Bylaws | 

          11. a. First State Records. It is preferable that a first state record have some form of physical documentation before the species is added to the official State Checklist. Acceptable evidence could consist of photographs, sound recordings, specimens, videos, etc. However, a first state record may be accepted as an official species on our State Checklist, without physical documentation with these considerations in mind:

(1) The species is obvious and easy to identify and cannot be confused with a similar species.

(2) The observer is familiar with the species.

(3) The observer is known by the committee members as a careful competent observer with experience in documenting rare birds.

(4) There are multiple competent observers that submit separate, careful documentation.

                b. Procedure for a potential First-State Records will be as follows:
     i.  A note will accompany the record indicating that this is a potential first-state record and  a
 link or reference to this Section of the bylaws (IV.C.11) will be provided for further instructions.
    ii.  An "Accept" vote will include a "for checklist" or a "for presumptive list" in the comments.
    iii.  Those records accepted "for the checklist" will also be put on the "Provisional List" and those "for presumptive" will be put on the "Presumptive List."
Species shall remain on the "Provisional" and "Presumptive" lists until a record with physical evidence is accepted by the committee.

(Example of Auxiliary Lists which include a "Presumptive List":)


Proposal #2:    


     System requiring physical evidence for species included on
            the official State Checklist
    (Section IV.C.11)      | see rational |

11. First State Records: A first state record must be supported by physical evidence (specimen, photo, video, audio recording).  The procedure for a potential First State Record will be as follows:

     a. A note will accompany the record indicating that this is a potential first state record and a link or reference to this Section of the bylaws (IV.C.11) will be provided for further instructions.
     b. If the record has physical evidence, an “accept” vote, by the Committee, will put this species on the official Utah Checklist.
     c. If the record has no physical evidence, an “accept” vote, by the Committee, will put this species on the “Presumptive List* ” (one of the Auxiliary Lists)  but not on the official Utah Checklist..  This species will remain on the “Presumptive List*” until a record with physical evidence is accepted by the Committee.
     d. Records that were not accepted, but are thought to be, potentially, a valid record, will be put on the “Unverified List” (one of the Auxiliary Lists).  However, if the record is unanimously thought to be misidentified  -- considered to be a different species, for example – then the species will not be added to any of the “Auxiliary Lists” of our Utah Checklist.
 * "The Presumptive List" could be the same as the "Provisional List" if we take the species off of the State Checklist that are not supported by physical evidence.
Proposal #3:    


           First State Records considered only on their merits    
                            (Section IV.C.11)       | see rational |

11. First State Records: Committee members will consider each submitted record only on its merits, even if it would be first-state record..  After a vote on a potential first-state record, the Secretary will proceed as follows.
     a. An accepted first-state records with physical evidence or an accepted record for a species already on the 'Provisional List", will be added to the State Checklist.
     b. An accepted first-state records with no physical evidence will be added to the "Provisional List" until a second record for that species is accepted.


Vote :
Please indicate your preferences of the three propositions above or the option to "make no change."             (A duplicated vote will not be counted)
First preference:    
 Second preference:      
Third preference:     


  (Must be filled in before the vote can be submitted).

Your vote will be sent to the UBRC Secretary for compilation and the results will be reported when all the ballots are in.