Utah Birds Records Committee
Bylaw change proposals
(28 Apr 2015 - deadline: 12 May 2015)


Instructions: Please vote on the draft Bylaws proposals below.  If the majority vote is in favor of one of the proposals and there are no suggestions or different proposals, the vote will be binding and the Bylaws will be changed.
Description: Kenny's proposal (#1) would change the language as described in Sections 10. b. and 10. c. of our bylaws. It would strengthen the voting standards for the 2nd and 3rd rounds, particularly for the third round, which currently allows for a simple majority to accept a record. Kenny's proposal would not change Section 10. a., which describes First Round voting criteria, nor would it change Section 10. d.

Rick's proposal (#2) would add (less abrasive) language with different levels of "endorsement" which would correspond with sight records being acceptable as a "first state" record, as an official sighting for Utah or whether it should be included on the "Comprehensive List" (only those sightings "strongly not-endorsed" would not be listed). Otherwise there is a slight difference in the 2nd round decisive definition and a larger difference in the 3rd round definition.

Chart of the outcomes of the two proposals

Link to Bylaws Section IV.C

  Proposed Amendment #1


Change the following two sections of the Bylaws (IV.C.10.b&c.):

Here is Kenny's draft language.

10. Decisive and Non-decisive Votes.

b. For Second Round votes to be decisive and to stop the record from going to a third round, the record would require at least 7 votes to accept or 6 votes to reject. Voting on a second-round record ends as soon as 7 votes to accept or 6 votes to reject have been cast. If, at the end of the two-month deadline the required 7 votes to either accept or reject have not been met, the record will go to a third round.

c. For a Third Round record to be Accepted, the record must be 7-2 (receive no more than 2 reject votes), provided that all members have voted, or at least 7 members must have voted and the two-month deadline has passed. Records with between 3 and 5 reject votes will be classified as "Not Accepted - Split Decision". Records with 6 or more reject votes will be considered "Not Accepted".

                   Vote: 5 Acc, 3 Reject

  Proposed Amendment #2


Change the following two sections of the Bylaws (IV.C.10.a-c. and insert d.):

Decisive and Non-decisive Votes
a. First-round votes must be unanimous either in the affirmative or negative in order to be decisive. Otherwise the record will go to a second round of review. Records decided in the first round would be considered either “strongly endorsed” or “strongly not-endorsed” for purposes of record keeping.

b. Second-round votes will be considered decisive with at least 6 votes either in the affirmative or negative. Otherwise the record will go to a third round of review. Records decided in the second round would be considered either “strongly endorsed” or “strongly not-endorsed” for purposes of record keeping.

c. No record will go more than three rounds. Third-round votes meeting the levels of the first or second round , would be consider either “strongly endorsed” or “strongly not-endorsed” for purposes of record keeping. Records with the majority of committee members voting affirmative will be considered “endorsed” and all other records not meeting the above criteria will be considered "not-endorsed" for purposes of record keeping.

d. Only first state records that are “strongly endorsed” will be included on the official state checklist. Records that are either “strongly endorsed” or “endorsed" will be included on the “Official Sightings List” (for purposes of considering whether a species should be on the “Review Species List”). All records except “strongly not-endorsed” (considered to be mis-identifications) will be included in the “Comprehensive Sightings List”.

e. (change present section “d” to section “e”)

                   Vote: 4 Acc, 4 Reject

  Keep bylaws as they are now


If you would like to keep section IV.C.10.a-d the same, vote "same" if you'd like it changed, vote "change"

                 Vote: 7 Change, 1 Did not vote



If you have any suggestions about the proposed Bylaw changes, whether in the wording or the substance of either proposals that you would like the committee to consider, please comment in the blank below: 



  (Must be filled in before the vote can be submitted).


When you have completed the form,
click "Submit."
Your vote will be sent by e-mail to the secretary of the Records Committee.

It takes up to 30 seconds or so after you click the "Submit" request, so please be patient. 
 -- Thank You.