Utah Birds Records Committee
Proposal Vote Results
(30 May 2013)

Instructions: Since the last vote on the three general proposals indicated that "Proposal A" for including observers names on "all records for publication in journals and on the internet," was by far the preference of the committee (see results), proposal #1 in this vote will be, on the actual wording to include in the bylaws. 

Three other proposals were submitted which pertained to "Proposal A" as additions to that proposal, so they can be voted on separately up and down instead of in opposition to what, in this vote is, "Proposal #1."   Proposal #5 is an independent proposal.

On this final vote, please vote to either accept or reject each of these proposals.

  Proposal #1


Proposal to change section IV.D.4 from:

(Present) 4. Rejected records should also be published, with a minimum of the above data, except that the observers' names should not be included. In publications, the term "not accepted" should be used instead of "rejected."


(Proposed) 4. Names of the observers for all records should be included in all records for publication in journals and on the internet.

             Results:  8 accept, 1 reject

  Proposal #2


It is proposed that if "Proposal #1 is accepted, the following phrase be added:

.., unless a request for anonymity was made by the observer. In cases of requested anonymity, the published record should say, "Name of observer withheld at observers request."
              Results:  8 accept, 1 reject

  Proposal #3


It is proposed that if "Proposal #1 is accepted, the following sentence be added:

“For publication in journals, initials can be used in the record summaries and defined at the end of the report.”

Results:  7 accept, 2 reject

  Proposal #4


It is proposed that the following new section (IV.D.5) be added to the bylaws to provide an opportunity for observers submitting a sight record to check a box indicating a desire to have their names withheld in case their record is not accepted by the committee.

The observer can check a box on the online Rare Bird Report submission form if the observer wishes to have their name (and/or initials) withheld. If the observer does not check this box, then their name (and/or initials) will be published whether online or in a journal.
Results:  6 accept, 3 reject

  Proposal #5


It is proposed that Lesser Black-backed Gull be removed from the Review List.

    Results:  6 accept, 3 reject