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Utah Bird Records Committee
Review List
Species for which documentation is requested
(Updated January 2010)

  • Report any species seen in Utah that is not on the official UBRC Checklist.

  • Report "species for which documentation is requested" as indicated by a "#"on the UBRC Checklist and listed below highlighted in green.

  • Report Species listed below in italics if the conditions in parenthesis are met.
     (see definitions and maps below ).

       Click on an underlined name to see a list of sightings in Utah. 
(Print PDF document)

SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS  -  Anseriformes

Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Cackling Goose
American Black Duck 
Harlequin Duck 
Black Scoter 
Barrow's Goldeneye 
 (outside Northern Utah or in the Summer)


Gray Partridge  (outside Northern Utah)
Ruffed Grouse  (outside Northern Utah)
Gunnison's Sage-Grouse  (outside San Juan County)
White-tailed Ptarmigan  (outside the Uinta Mountains)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (outside Extreme Northern Utah)
Scaled Quail 

LOONS  -  Gaviiformes

    Red-throated Loon 
Yellow-billed Loon

GREBES   -  Podicipediiformes

Red-necked Grebe 

PELICANS & CORMORANTS  - Pelecaniformes

Brown Pelican 
Neotropic Cormorant
Magnificent Frigatebird 

BITTERNS & HERONS  -  Ciconiiformes

    Bitterns, Egrets & Herons  -  Ardeidae

Least Bittern 
Little Blue Heron 
Tricolored Heron 
Reddish Egret
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 

    Ibises & Spoonbills  -  Threskiornithidae

White Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Roseate Spoonbill 

    Storks  -  Ciconiidae

Wood Stork 

HAWKS & FALCONS  -  Falconiformes

White-tailed Kite 
Common Black Hawk   (outside Washington County)
Gray Hawk
Swainson's Hawk  (during Winter Months)
Zone-tailed Hawk 

RAILS & CRANES  -  Gruiformes

Purple Gallinule 

PLOVERS & SANDPIPERS  -  Charadriiformes

Pacific Golden-Plover
Mountain Plover 
Wandering Tattler 
Upland Sandpiper 
Hudsonian Godwit 
White-rumped Sandpiper 
Curlew Sandpiper 
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 
Wilson's Phalarope  (during Winter Months)
Red Phalarope

    Gulls, Terns, & Alcids  -  Laridae

Pomarine Jaeger 
Parasitic Jaeger 
Long-tailed Jaeger 
Little Gull 
Heermann's Gull 
Lesser Black-backed Gull 
Yellow-footed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull  (during Summer Months)
Glaucous Gull   (during Summer Months)
Western Gull
Black-legged Kittiwake 
Least Tern 
Ancient Murrelet 

DOVES & PIGEONS  -  Columbiformes

White-winged Dove  (outside Southern Utah)
Inca Dove   (outside Washington County)
Common Ground-Dove 
Ruddy Ground-Dove 

CUCKOOS & ROADRUNNERS  -  Cuculiformes

Black-billed Cuckoo 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Greater Roadrunner   (outside Southern Utah)

OWLS  -  Strigiformes

Snowy Owl 
Elf Owl 
Spotted Owl   (outside Southern Utah)
Great Gray Owl 
Boreal Owl 

Goatsuckers  -  Caprimulgiformes

Lesser Nighthawk   (outside Washington County)
Common Nighthawk   (during Winter Months)


Chimney Swift 
Vaux's Swift 

    Hummingbirds  -  Trochilidae

Broad-billed Hummingbird
Magnificent Hummingbird 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Costa's Hummingbird   (outside Washington County)

WOODPECKERS  -  Piciformes

Red-headed Woodpecker 
Acorn Woodpecker   (outside Southern Utah)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 
Red-breasted Sapsucker 
Ladder-backed Woodpecker   (outside Southern Utah)

PERCHING BIRDS  -  Passeriformes

    Flycatchers  -  Tyrannidae

Least Flycatcher 
Black Phoebe   (outside Southern Utah)
Eastern Phoebe 
Vermilion Flycatcher   (outside Southern Utah)
Great Crested Flycatcher 
Brown-crested Flycatcher   (outside Washington County)
Cassin's Kingbird   (outside Southern Utah)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 

    Shrikes  -  Laniidae

Northern Shrike   (during Summer Months)

    Vireos  -  Vireonidae

White-eyed Vireo 
Bell's Vireo
   (outside Washington County)
Yellow-throated Vireo 
Blue-headed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo

    Verdin  -  Remizidae

Verdin   (outside Washington County)

    Wrens  -  Troglodytidae

Cactus Wren   (outside Washington County)

    Gnatcatchers  -  Sylviidae

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher   (outside Washington County)

    Thrushes  -  Turdidae

Eastern Bluebird 
Wood Thrush 
Rufous-backed Robin

    Thrashers  -  Mimidae

Brown Thrasher
Curve-billed Thrasher
Crissal Thrasher 
  (outside Washington County)
Le Conte's Thrasher 

    Waxwings  -  Bombycillidae

Bohemian Waxwing  (during Summer Months)

    Silky Flycatchers  -  Ptilogonatidae

Phainopepla   (outside Washington County)

    Warblers  -  Parulidae

Blue-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler 
Tennessee Warbler
Lucy's Warbler   (outside Washington County)
Northern Parula 
Chestnut-sided Warbler 
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler 
Hermit Warbler   (outside Washington County)
? Hermit Warbler  (vote for the above conditions was a vote for removal as a state wide Review Species)
Yellow-throated Warbler 
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler 
Bay-breasted Warbler 
Blackpoll Warbler 
Prothonotary Warbler 
Worm-eating Warbler 
Louisiana Waterthrush
Kentucky Warbler 
Connecticut Warbler 
Hooded Warbler 
Canada Warbler 
Painted Redstart  (outside of Zion NP)
? Painted Redstart  (vote for above was a vote for removal)

    Tanagers  -  Thraupidae

Scarlet Tanager 

    Sparrows  -  Emberizidae

Canyon Towhee 
Abert's Towhee   (outside Washington County)
Cassin’s Sparrow 
Rufous-crowned Sparrow   (outside Washington County)
Field Sparrow 
Black-chinned Sparrow   (outside Washington County)
Baird's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow  (outside Northern Utah)
Le Conte's Sparrow 
McCown's Longspur
Lapland Longspur  (during Summer Months)
Chestnut-collared Longspur 

    Grosbeaks & Buntings  -  Cardinalidae

Northern Cardinal 
Painted Bunting

    Blackbirds & Orioles  -  Icteridae

Rusty Blackbird 
Bronzed Cowbird 
Orchard Oriole 
Hooded Oriole   (outside Southern Utah)
Baltimore Oriole 

    Finches  -  Fringillidae

Purple Finch
Common Redpoll (outside Extreme Northern Utah)
? Common Redpoll (vote for above was a vote for removal
Hoary Redpoll 
Lawrence's Goldfinch


Area Definitions:

Extreme Northern Utah
Counties: Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, Morgan, Rich, Summit, and Weber
Northern Utah
Counties: Box Elder, Cache, Carbon, Daggett, Davis, Duchesne, Juab, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Summit, Tooele, Uintah, Utah, Wasatch, and Weber.
Uintah Mountains
Counties: Daggett, Duchesne, Summit and Uintah
Southern Utah
Counties: Beaver, Emery, Garfield, Grand, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, Washington and Wayne.
San Juan County
Counties: San Juan
Washington County
Counties: Washington




Season Definitions:

   Spring - Mar, Apr. May
- Jun, Jul
   Fall - Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov
- Dec, Jan, Feb

Please send reports to:

Utah Bird Records Committee
2795 Indian Hills Drive
Provo, Utah  84604

OR even better, fill out the on-line form

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