A couple of things to note about the
Ancient Murrelet record, as I heard back from Debbie:
1. She is fine if we attach the screenshots to the record that I previously
sent out to the committee.
2. I asked if she can provide any location details besides the vague
information included in the record. In her initial reply this is what she
"Without my paperwork in front of me from back then, I do remember the bird
was found in Utah County in a populated area.....Orem??? Maybe Provo???"
Then later she sent me this message:
"I take in wildlife from all over the state and in many cases, I'm never
given that information from the agency that responded to the initial call
[referring to precise location info]....that was the case with this bird. I
believe the Animal Control officer told the people at the front desk that it
was picked up in Orem. My volunteer was given no other information. This is
how most of my calls go since I cover such a vast area in Utah. If it helps,
the bird came into the North Utah Valley Animal Services (NUVAS)."
So, that doesn't exactly provide much clarity other than the fact this bird
was apparently picked up in Orem. I suppose we could debate how it got to
that location to begin with. Anyone want to contact North Utah Valley Animal
Services to see if anyone there remembers any other details?
Maybe a long shot...
That's all I've got.
Mike S
Jul 8, 2021, Reply to Mark Stackhouses's inquiry to NUVAS (North Utah Valley Animal Services)
This injured bird was brought into our shelter by Orem City Animal Control
at about 5:00 pm on October 30th. It was rescued from our shelter on October
31st by Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation. The address of the impound is
listed as 63 North Orem Blvd. in Orem, Utah.
Hope that helps.
Jul 9, 2021, Mark Stackhouses's
inquires at Orem City Animal Control
Hola amigos,
I ran to the end of what is possible with e-mail and online chat with Orem
City Animal Control, and just spent a bit on the phone, bouncing around
their dispatch and records department, and ultimately ended with leaving a
voice mail with an employee of Animal Control.
But I did get this information:
The bird was brought into Orem City Animal Control by a private citizen who
brought it in a cardboard box, and it was apparently injured. There is no
information regarding where that person found the bird.
They put me in contact with the records person for Animal Control (where I
left a message), to see if they could find the name and contact info for the
person who turned in the bird. I’ll continue on the trail on Monday, but
it’s getting close to the end - we’ll either have more answers, or be left
with a cardboard box at Orem City Animal Control as the only known location
for this record.
I did a quick review of eBird records for Ancient Murrelet in Utah and
surrounding states, and found some useful information. The date of this
record falls close to the middle of the range of dates for nearly every
Ancient Murrelet record for NV, ID, UT, WY, and CO. All but one of the
records fell between late September and early December, with most in
November and October. There is one record from 3 Oct 2003 in Afton, Wyoming
where a bird was found in the high school parking lot.
So the idea of someone finding this bird in or near Orem in late October is
not without similar precedent in our region.
I’ll keep you posted if I find anything else.
Jul 12, 2021, Mark Stackhouses's report
on information from Orem City Animal Control.
Hola amigos,
I’m pleased to say that I finally hit pay dirt on the Ancient Murrelet
record. Officer Lopez of Orem City Animal Control was able to find the
record from when the bird was turned in to their facility on October 30,
2019. The bird was found that same day, in the parking lot of a store in
Payson. I couldn’t understand the name of the store (our connection wasn’t
great), but I think that’s enough to establish a date and locality for this
Milt, perhaps you can change the date of the record to October 30, 2019, and
the location to “parking lot in Payson, UT.”
Now we can all vote in good conscience with proper information.
Hope you’re surviving the heat (we are, barely).
