Please help us identify the students in this Junior High School Picture  
(When we've ID'd all that we can, we'll provide a PDF file that can be printed).

Click on the student's face to see if we know who  this student is and if we have a High School picture.


   (For a closer look and to submit your ID's, please click on the section below)  

Left Side                             Middle Section                           Right Side





                                                             The Elementary Class Picture Project is under way.  If you can provide pictures of classes we don't have or name some of the students we don't know, please send pictures or names to
                                                             When the project is completed you can print out high quality pictures using the instructions below, but right now they're "
under construction" 

                                                            Elementary School Class Pictures* (PDF):  (View on internet >>>)  |  Benjamin  |  Central  | Lake Shore | Park  |  Rees  |  Salem  |  Thurber  | Jr. High  |   (These files are about 1/5 the size of the ones below, but look great on a monitor)
                                                                                 [When they're finished >>>]    HD printer files (PDF):  |  Benjamin  |  Central  | Lake Shore | Park  |  Rees  |  Salem  |  Thurber  |    (These files will be posted when they're pretty much complete).

                                                            Downloads: PowerPoint file for all Elementary Class Pictures.|   (30 meg Excel file)  You can use "File/save as..." to download the file.  (PowerPoint has an excellent printing capacity*)

                                                                 * You can print high quality photos from PowerPoint or PDF files if you select from the printer "Properties" menu "Quality" tab,  "Best" and "Black & White" -- the pictures will come out much better when printed on photo paper.