Row 7.
Neves 8.Ted Anderson 9.?Alan Richardson? 10.Ed Anderson
11.John Toronto 12 .Glen Memmott 13.Duke Belders 14.Jerry Robertson
15.David Ellison 16.Robert Wilson 17.Wayne Thorpe 18.Merrill Diamond
19.Danny Allen 20.Nelson Hatch 21. Keith Lyman 22.Dennis Holley
Row 6
6.Brent Hawkins 7.Steven Hansen 8.Paul Ferner 9.Ronny
Cutshall 10.Dwight Daniels 11.Lee Christensen 12.??
13.Frank Kanig 14.Morgan Warner 15.Philip Proctor 16.Grant Davidson
17.John Jex 18.Steve Cloward 19.Bruce Heyward 20.Ronald Sumsion
Row 5
11.?? 12.Lorraine Anderson
13.Jean Brailsford 14.Donald Evans?
15.Ricky Thomas 16.Frank Leifson 17.Larry Linde 18.Michael Bellows 19.
Bryan Jex 20.Duane Sorenson 21.David Johnson 22.Nolan Hill 23.Sterling
Spencer 24.Warren Johnson 25.John Strange?
26.Alan Fullmer
Row 4
.9.Judi Kay Romero 10.Glenda Campbell
11.Ann West 12.Janice Nielson 13.Judy Thornton 14.??
15.Mary Trajillo 16. ?? 17.Linda Vest 18.Lorna Byron 19.??
Row 3
12 .Tamara Lasson 13.Suanne Alleman 14.Maxine Jolley 15.Cheryl
Whitley? 16.Kay Marie Issac 17.Joyce Beckstrom 18.V-Ann Spencer 19.Shirleen Smith
20.Gaylene Dowley 21.Susan Johnston 22.Sheila Hawkins 23.Carma Lindstrom
24.Barbara Ainge 25.Evelyn Baadsgaard
Row 2
10.Penny Morrell 11.Barbara Bray 12.??
13.Marie Clark 14. Kristin Losser 15.Eileen Jones 16.??
17.Evelyn Petersen 18.??
19.Marilyn Bauer
Rpw 1
8.Edward Abbott 9.Reid Carlson 10.David Nelson 11.Larry
Hathaway 12.Gary Smith 13.Allen Peterson 14.Randy Burnell 15.Ronald
Atwood 16. Ronald Hatfield 17. ?? 18.
James Vincent
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